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Funded by The Florida Department of Education our B.A.S.I.S. (Be A Success In School) Program is designed for students in grades K-8, that reside in the South Miami-Dade area.  B.A.S.I.S. offers activities such as social and emotional learning, life skills, fitness activities, reading enrichment and intervention (literacy), homework assistance, family involvement, science, cultural enrichment, and free choice activities. All activities implemented use evidence-based curriculum and incorporate field trips that are educational, and entertaining and foster community engagement, improved academic performance, and regular program attendance. All students receive a nutritious, healthy snack and dinner during our after-school program, a snack, and lunch on break days, as well as lunch and two snacks during summer camp.


"The BASIS of a good life is a good education"


  • Free Transportation

  • Free Snacks/Meals

  • During School Days: 2pm – 6pm

  • Open on Holidays (Excluding Legal Holidays)

  • Summer Camp 9am – 5pm

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